
Tuesday, 24 September 2019

PBL Main Artefact

Hi guys, This blog will be about my Main Artefact for this terms PBL. Before I show you my main artefact here are the links to my other PBL blogs for this term.

1. "PBL Driving Question"
2. "PBL Planning Document"
3. "PBL Invitations"
4. "PBL Sub Artefacts"

Here are some Photos of my Main Artefact on the side. We have made a house frame out of clay to link to our sub question "How can we stop or slow down deforestation". Thanks for coming to my blog and have you made something out of clay. 

PBL Sub Artefact

Hi guys, This blog will be about my Sub Artefact's for this terms PBL. Before I show you the Sub Artefacts here are the links to my other blogs on this terms PBL.

1.  "PBL Driving Question"
2.  "PBL Planning Doc"
3.  "PBL Invitations"

If you don't know what a Artefact is, it's a product of some sort or a advertisement product.
My Sub Artefacts for my PBL are Business cards and a Sheet with different laws we can input in the world to stop deforestation. Here is my Business card.    
 Thanks for coming to my blog and have you made a business card before and if you have what was it for?


Hi guys. This blog will be about my RE Ad for this week. Before I tell you about my Ad I'll tell you how we got here. So a few weeks back we were learning about the different sacraments and what they are about. If you don't know what the sacraments are here is the list in order of them, Baptism, Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, Holy Orders and lastly Anointing Of The Sick.  After learning about the sacraments we have taken sacraments and made Ad's out of them in groups. In my group was William P and Nathel W. The sacrament we have taken up is Baptism. Here is my RE Advertisement. RE Ad. Thanks for coming to my blog and have you done a advertisement before?

PBL Invitations

Hi guys, This blog will be about my PBL Invitation. If you don't know what my PBL for this term here is a link to my other bog about my hubs PBL Question. Here is  my Invitation that I sent to my parents. If you are interested in coming please come as it will be lots of fun as there are many other projects. Thanks for coming to my blog and have you had a Showcase before?

Friday, 20 September 2019

PBL Planning Doc

Hi guys, this blog will be about my PBL Plan. This term our PBL driving question is "What does the future ask of us"? More on PBL for term 3 on my "PBL driving question" blog. My study partner Nicolaas and I had the question of "How can we stop or slow down deforestation"? We are digging deep into research and are finding some cool answers.

This planning template helps set out our ideas and helps us build our product. Here is our Planning Document.

On the template you will see web links and Ideas on our question. Here are the links.
1. Link 1
2. Link 2

Thanks for coming to my blog and have you done PBL before?

Thursday, 19 September 2019

Science Experiment

Hi guys, this blog will be about my science experiment. So this term we have been doing science like the experiment on bridges ( Link here to my other blog!) and now us choosing our own science experiment. It was a bit of a shame when it didn't work out but we both still liked the moments leading up to then. Me and my friend Christopher's (Link to his blog here!) science experiment was "How To Make Water Glow"? Here is the link to a website about this. Unfortunately for us we weren't able to make the water glow. Here is a link to our " Scientific Method". Thanks for coming to my blog and have you done a science experiment before and if you have what was it about?

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Novel Study Slides

Image result for slide the corner
Hi guys this blog will be about my novel sides. But first let me tell you about how we got here. So this term the teachers after morning tea made our hub like a restaurant but instead of food there were different books to read the first couple of pages of. After we have read five books we would write down how we liked the books and what the ranking was out of the five. A few weeks later the teachers have tried to get us into groups that had the same top book. We would get into our groups and start to read the book. The book that I chose was "Slid The Corner". After that we got given a slide with different tasks to do like talk about the main character like their traits and so on. Here is my starting slide that we needed to copy the first paragraph and then make an annotated drawing on google drawings about this. Here is my starting slide.
 And here is my annotated drawing.

Thanks for coming to my blog and have you done something like this?

Thursday, 12 September 2019

Maths for Week 8

Hi guys. This week for my maths we have been looking at data from a heart rate table. After that we would put the data into a graph. Here is the table.

2 Min Walk150148160
2 Mins of Star Jumps172186192
2 Mins of Sit Ups158198162
2 Min Sprint198206200
  A variable is things that you change when your trying to find data. As you can see the variables are 2 Min Walk, 2 Mins of Star Jumps, 2 Mins of Sit Ups and 2 Min Sprint. From this our graph has been formed. Here it is.

After we made our chart we made three conclusions from the results. 1. All the participants heart rates were the highest in the 2 Min Sprint. 2. All the participants heart rates were the lowest in the two Min Walk. 3. And that overall Tim had the highest heart rate of the group. Thanks for coming to my blog and have you made a graph before and if you have what was it about?